
Upon entry that cold December evening, the nurse smacked Elijah’s little baby booty and he did NOT like that. I didn’t either but I get it. The pain helped us to know he was alive. It is a sign of vitality and though the event is short lived and heart breaking the benefits are long lasting.

I think we spend a lot of time talking about being hurt. We sing about it, tweet and posting about it, because we all been there, it’s common ground.

So we put up walls, and try and figure ways to avoid it, or to shield ourselves from it, some of us even try to detach ourselves from our feels in effort to protect our hearts from being crushed, but the truth is, even when detached, hurt is inevitable. When you’re detached you have lost more than just your feels, you’ve lost a bit of yourself. Denying yourself that feeling which is only human. Even Jesus, tried to escape the hurt and betrayal that was set before Him while in the garden praying. I mean this is the Son of Man we’re talking about. Yet, He yielded His will to a greater purpose, because He realized the hurt, a hurt far greater than any we will ever know, was necessary to fulfill His destiny.

Maybe instead of trying to escape the hurt, we should embrace the fact that it comes with the territory. The territory being life. Personally, I will no longer run from my hurt. I’ve exerted a great deal of energy doing so, but again it is inescapable. No matter where you find yourself, people, places and things are all subject to error, and you are too. So, I say don’t run, stay. Don’t hold, release. Don’t hate pray. The hurt is part of the story, good news is, we know the Author.

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